by njk148 Thu Jun 18, 2009 5:15 pm
lol but how much rune arrows for tassets?and alos whats good items cAN I BUY LESS THEN 1.6m AT YUOR OPINION AND WHAT SHOULD I KILL IF IM LVL 71 ALMOST 72 CB???im also seling these folowing items.
dragon longswords 100k each 8 (
Dragon dagger poison 100k each 8 (
STeel platebody 1k each (13)
steel helm 300coins each 8
steel plateskirt 200coins each (9)
Steel platelegs 315 coins each (9)
iron platebody 275 coins each (3 left
Iron full helm 145 coins each (4)
iron plateskirt 75 coins each (12)
iron platelegs 125 coins each (9)
12 str amulet 1k each
amulet of glory each 20k (13)
and finally climbing boots 1k each
and more coming soon of theses items.