When ever i get unbanned, im going to have my leaving party. Im quitting due to various reasons but i would like to go out with a bang.
If you wanna talk,
My xfire is: jambebus
My msn is kickboxer-ash@hotmail.co.uk
My xbl gamertag is: WeGotFrags
Items that will be dropping.
Few party hat sets,
Mask sets,
Bandos sets,
Barrows sets,
2 armadyl gs,
1 bandos gs,
sara sword,
My pk kit (including 50) of everything dds, gloves, pots, 4k food,
Legendary desert boots ~(One pair in game)~
Black full helm ~(Two or so in game)~
//&& LOTS more make sure your there !!
Peace !
If you wanna talk,
My xfire is: jambebus
My msn is kickboxer-ash@hotmail.co.uk
My xbl gamertag is: WeGotFrags
Items that will be dropping.
Few party hat sets,
Mask sets,
Bandos sets,
Barrows sets,
2 armadyl gs,
1 bandos gs,
sara sword,
My pk kit (including 50) of everything dds, gloves, pots, 4k food,
Legendary desert boots ~(One pair in game)~
Black full helm ~(Two or so in game)~
//&& LOTS more make sure your there !!
Peace !