I'm sure every one is happy that Pattonscape members is coming up, I know I am. But with paying for members comes with risks, i'm sure every one knows Pattonscape is based off from Runescape made from Jagex. By paying for members on Pattonscape Brice could be sued by Jagex or they could shut down the server for good. The reason for that is Brice would be making money by a game that Jagex made. I know the money isn't going into his pockets, it's going into the server but Jagex wouldn't care. Now i'm not saying don't make members, i'm saying make members with out having people to pay for it (I'm not poor so I can pay for members). That way BOTH Brice and the server will be safe from Jagex. Right now I have no ideas how that would work out, but I did find out a way for the server to make money with out getting shut down. Donations, Brice could make something special for people who donate, i'm going to give a few examples. Like shops with new items that they could only get, new training areas, custom items, maybe skills that they could only train. I'm sure people would start to donate more if they had some rewards like that. But it's all up to Brice, Do what ever you want.
Thanks for reading, Now I know i'm going to get flamed for this... so let the flame begin.
Thanks for reading, Now I know i'm going to get flamed for this... so let the flame begin.