chop yews to get money requires 60 wc.draynoe village
go kill hill giants and sell the b bones on grand exchange you need brass key buy it from g.e
go collect red spider eggs and sell g.e takes a long time.
requires a candle litted lantern source and 17 slayer
go kill cave slime lumby dungeon collect swamp tar and sell them there low lvl 20 something but they could poison you bring alot of food and antipoison
75 wc chop magic logs
well you could also do thieving
xp non members
go kill cockroches sell there items even there rune scimy drops
hill giants or go clan wars safe fight 1 on1
pest control is a good way of training not castle wars
kill blue dragon lvl 111 or even baby blue dragon you need dragon fire shield for 111 dragon.
king black dragon go range him requires high hp and range and alot of food
i dont know more 1st time that im a member.